Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Morning after update

I'm starting to get going with LinkedIn now: I'm building up connections through work (including me auntie!)- may try and find people I was at uni with too.... need to build up my profile too... should be fun to see where, if anywhere, it all goes...

Monday, 26 March 2012

Week 4: Frieeennnnd!

I feel last week I didn't really get into the spirit of things.  The whole flickr experience left me a little confused somehow but I'm back now and ready for some socialising: internet-style!

Some sites I'm already familiar with (in fact, it was while glancing at 23 Things soon after I started at City that I set-up a twitter account), others not, so this will be a good one for finding out more. 

Twitter then: was good to read more on its use and possibilities - the ten tools sound interesting, will look into those a bit more.  I already follow some City Uni twitter accounts, but looked for others through them, choosing to follow the Bodliean Digital account plus Barbican Music Library, which looks interesting and handily close to work.... and they are following me too!!!

I also have a LinkedIn account but have never used it for ANYTHING, so let's find out more! And I can't find anyone so it may be a while before I do anything more...

... but after some poking about I can see the potential there - will report back later with more intrigfuing developments.

end of day: will come back later...!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 19 March 2012

I made a set! http://www.flickr.com/photos/jimtim81/sets/72157629255366208/

Week Three: A command to blog!

Well this Creative Commons things looks good and interesting. I write a lot of stories that I post or blog in a couple of repositories without really thinking too much about copyright, so will look into this more. Copyright possibly can be too restrictive and it's probably a good thing to be more flexible. Mind you, most people might not care much these days and re-use without thinking a lot of the time.

I searched flikr for frogs, not sure why. My favourite picture is attached....

I thought some uploading would be in orderm, too, and have uploaded some silly cartoons I drew once: http://www.flickr.com/photos/78126843@N07/ Though everything's in reverse and I can't work out how to change this, so it's all gone a bit wrong!

I'm not sure what else to say this week.  Pictures are fun? Flickr seems to be a pain, but hopefully this will change...

Monday, 12 March 2012

Week Two: The Voyage Continues...

Onwards I sailed into Week Two, dear friends, ever inwards and upwards!

To iGoogle, something I'd seen written on the google website but never taken the time to explore further.

On first setting it up, I went too far, clicking too many boxes, leading me to a gadget strewn wasteland of things I didn't really want (US news, including celebrity bobbins!).  So the next thing for me was to learn to delete before carrying on.  Fortunately handy little menu tabs appear when you wave your mouse arrow over each gadget and this was easy to do.

As was adding more (avoiding both work disciplinaries and an angry fiance by ignoring the porn options)- I tried ones I have on my phone and played with moving them about in order create a reasonably uncluttered screen - a widening option helped with this a bit.  

Then to Google Reader and adding rss feeds, which looks like a nice little chap to have sat there... I've spent years ignoring the possibility of rss feeds, happy to work my way through a series of sites committed to memory and/or my bookmarks. I think I will definitely explore options further - thus enabling me to get back into the internet comic I used to read.... so, thanks 23 Things and see you soon!

Monday, 5 March 2012

Limping over the start line

In terms of jazzing it up, I have merely copied the main 23 Things City blog!  But this is OK, right?

In terms of setting-up, all was very simple.  Although there was a small spanner in the works because I didn't realise I had an account setup that I could use already!  Still, one reset password and I was away!

I'm familiar with blog basics from wordpress but this one looks like it will let me do a bit more with it without needing html knowledge (possibly wordpress would allow this but I don't think it does...).  Being in some way entertaining is the main hurdle, perhaps!

I shall now insert an image:

And some tags... (I've never done this before, it intrigues me much, and may get used a lot in the other blog I set up at the same time as this: The Habadashery of Stories)

See you next week!

Starting at the very beginning (Week One)

Well here we are and this is it.  Months after starting at City and months after 23 Things ended, I am doing it!  Why?  Because I want to!  (BTW, I overuse exclamation marks- as you may have noticed!) 

I work as an Information Assistant and am doing this not just to fill my CPD time but because the areas it covers I know little or nothing about and I want to know a bit more...

It's not my first blog but the other one I've mostly only been putting stories on for a long time, so this will hopefully be a nice return to writing about stuff.  Other than doing that, I watch football, listen to music, watch films, eat... the usual stuff, really.

Right, I'm off to jazz this thing up, then I'll blog again about the set-up!