Tuesday, 8 May 2012

This is the end...?

Hello finishing line!  All has been done, all has been sampled merrily.  Some things I have liked (or already liked), others made me say, "Meh!"  Some things have still to be investigated further such as Flickr and the other search engines - google is a reflex, no wonder it's entered speech.  

LinkedIn and twitter are the things that I have used the most, LinkedIn still in a formative way.  Googledocs, too, I have thrown lots of docs onto for use on scribd, while delicious I had problems uploading my bookmarks onto and so have left alone but everything looked at here has the potential to be time-saving and useful and whatnot.  It just takes me more time to get there with some things and thus:

What I will try and do is update this blog slowly as I discover more and delve deeper into these 23 things and learn more about being a library bod in general. 

So: stay tuned, folks! (Hopefully not my last words....)